Executive Coach • Personal Coach • Consultant



Coaching is a partnership — the client and the coach working in concert with each other.  As the client, you set the agenda.  The sessions are all about you and moving you into your ideal life. In our sessions, we will

Clarify what you truly want

Simplify and de-clutter all aspects of your life

Tap into your creativity

Set, achieve and accelerate career and life goals

Identify and remove blocks and zap tolerations

Strengthen your relationships and create the community that supports your goals

Create a fulfilling life, aligned with the heart of who you are

For more information, contact:

Copyright © 2020 Angela Lifsey. All Rights Reserved.


Career/Personal Coaching


“Between simulus and reponse there is a space. In that space is our power to chose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom.”

— Viktor Frankl